Tuesday, December 20, 2011

White Christmas (the movie)

Today is officially 13 weeks. And so far from the sound of it, it sounds like my wife is having a better day. That seems to confirm my suspicion that right now she's running at a couple good days in a row, followed by a couple not so great ones. Hopefully that ratio starts to tip more and more to the good days.

Last night, we started watching White Christmas for the first time. She had never seen it. I think I scared her off of "classic" Christmas movies when I made her watch It's a Wonderful Life, and we all started talking like Jimmy Stewart. Either way, she didn't quite make it to the end, as she took her B6 and half unisom. Which I don't know why, but it makes her pretty loopy.

On an only semi-related note, I got my grades back today for Fall 2011 semester (well, almost all of them.) I did pretty well. I'm happy with that, as I tried to split my time as best I could between spending as much time as possible with her while she was awake, and trying to get my school work done. I missed a couple things, and skipped some reading, but two A's and a B works for me. As long as the other grade that hasn't been reported yet is at least a C, I'll be an extremely happy guy. I pray that our child has better study habits and a better work ethic than I do. This semester was even harder for me because I'm horrible at accomplishing school stuff unless it actually interests me. Just ask any of my high school teachers. I'm surprised I didn't drive some of them into early retirement, or at least cause them to choke me.

Please baby, don't be like your dad.

1 comment:

  1. They all loved you, which is why when I suggested that they flunk you if they did not like the work you did (or didn't do) they gave me a look of horror. My whole contention was that if they didn't like it then instead of whining about it, they should do something.

    My favorite was one of your English teachers. She said, "He doesn't pay attention in class because he is reading but I can't yell at him because he is reading things that are way beyond what the other kids can even comprehend"

    I believe the official title was "Gifted underachiever", although you 'achieved' just fine, it was the busy work you hated.
