Thursday, December 29, 2011

And we're back!

Sorry for dropping of the grid folks, was enjoying my time off with my wife and family for Christmas.

So, let's catch up. Christmas was good. We got a couple more baby books, including The Happiest Baby on the Block. Should be interesting reads. I've been perusing the books we do have off and on, and staying up to date on what my wife is going through. I haven't sat down to read any baby books cover to cover yet though, and I think my wife thinks that means I'm not participating. She keeps giving me grief about it. I started to read a "regular" book last night, and I think it just was another nail in that coffin. I had bought her the Jenny McCarthy book "Belly Laughs". She devoured it and suggested I read it. I will eventually, but I'm behind on my normal reading, and wanted to read a book I bought a couple months ago, but haven't really had time or the ability to concentrate on it yet. So when I choose Haruki Murakami's "1Q84" over "Belly Laughs" I think she was a little disappointed. I feel that I'm staying up on things, and I did read the "guy chapters" she's pointed out to me.

The in-laws also got us a teething ring and rubber duck that are BPA free and not made in China. We're pretty excited about that. Finding things like that are important to us. Even before we got pregnant, I had a stipulation with buying the house, that any painting we did would be with low or zero VOC paint. I don't want to make compromises on that sort of thing for the baby. I'm happy to see that even if it takes a little effort to search for, that we will be able to continue to find safe and non-toxic items for our baby, without having to compromise at all. I realize things like diapers are going to be a fight. I personally don't have a problem with cloth diapers, my sister had them. It was something you get used to. My wife doesn't seem into it though. Nor does she like the cost of things like the Seventh Generation or Huggies Pure and Natural diapers for disposables. We'll see how that battle goes.

On a completely different note, my wife's string of good days ran out earlier this week. It could just be that it was bound to happen, or that the weekend caught up to her, and wore her down so much that it was inevitable. She had 6 good days, followed by 2-3 of not so good. Speaking with her this morning though, it sounded like today was back on track. We did have a busy weekend though. Some friends came over on Friday. That was nice, as most people don't like to drive the 25 minutes down to see us. We need more friends that are close I guess. Saturday was Christmas Eve with my family. That was good too. Although one of my sisters couldn't make it because she had to work. Scheduling is harder with two families, but just have to make due. I suppose next year will be even more strenuous with an infant. Christmas day was spent over at the In-Law's house. Also a good time. I'll guess that both family celebrations will be shorter though once we have a child in tow.

Hope you had a great Holiday!


  1. Cloth diapers were the best thing I did. I wish I had done so with all of you. It was so much easier than people think and I did cloth with an additional velcro diaper with the rubber attached (mother-in-law made them). They were quite stylish and I believe that you can buy them now at baby stores. Cloth diapers also, surprisingly, took up little room in the diaper bag. Since I nursed youngest daughter there were no bottles to drag along.

  2. I really missed not being there for Christmas. It seems like ages since I saw Darby. Maybe on one of my days off I will have to come see you guys.

    Thank you for writing this blog, it helps keep me up on your life! :-)

  3. they have some diaper service in the cities too... oh geeez this is a long link.... or there are system things like this...

  4. Yo! My mom did cloth diapers for a while to save money (she was a teen mom) and said it wasn't a big deal at all, and she couldn't afford a service. My aunt did the cloth service and said it was just fine, but she wasn't as worried about saving cash. I like the idea of cloth diapers, it just seems to make so much more sense than disposable diapers for the most part. Ultimately, though, I'm sure you'll figure out what works best for you guys.

  5. I guess my invitation for that Friday event was lost in the mail...
    Anyway, Zach, you'd better not be too busy to join the dwindling writing club that Mr. Steve Falcon and I are going to be starting in February when they MOVE HERE!
    Darby, I hope you feel better, darlin', I miss you and I'm glad you're getting some good reading in. :)

  6. I am going to assume my invitation for this Friday gathering was lost in the mail...
    Darby, I'm glad you're getting some good reading in. We really miss you.
    Zach, you'd better be ready to attend the writing group Mr. Steve Falcon and I are putting together in February when they MOVE HERE!

    Be well! I hope you can make it up for New Year's Day, but I know things are a bit different these days for you. :)

  7. If you do end up going the cloth diaper route, there's a girl I used to work with way back in the day at Hot Topic, Amanda, (you might remember her?) who has been making diaper covers for quite a while and she has some super cute designs. Here is a link to her business Facebook page Other than that I know nothing about cloth diapers, but maybe she could help you out. I just know they are cute!!! lol.

  8. Thanks everyone! Yeah, I remember them with my sister not being that bad, but my wife still says no way. Who knows though.

  9. I could give you my whole speiel on Cloth Diapers.. but I'll save your page. I spent $500.00 on Diapers for my youngest.. They lasted from birth until she Potty trained at 2 1/2. There is something to be said about cloth diapers..and omg.. they are so cute! :) You still have time!

  10. Zach, Regarding cloth/green diapers just remind Darby that the planet she is saving is the one that your child will occupy. ~Dad
