Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday, December 19th.


We hit a true milestone on Saturday. Darby was able to get out of the house for a while in a social situation. It was her brother's girlfriend's birthday celebration, and we made it out to bowling for about two hours. Although she didn't bowl, she said she still had fun. That was kind of huge in my opinion. She's also been less disgusted by food smells, and even managed to not puke when her brother stuck a pitcher (yes I said pitcher) of chicken wings in her face.

Sunday was a little rough. Not sure if that was her body's response to that much excitement, or what, but she was ultra tired, and not feeling so well most of yesterday. Here's to hoping today is better for her.

On a less serious note, I wonder what our poor kid is going to be like. I wonder what sort of warped, corrupted mind it's going to have. Have you met my family? Have you heard the things my wife says? Sure, she's intelligent and witty, but that girl can curse like a sailor and loves a good dick or fart joke. Or basically any sort of toilet humor. Sometimes more than me. Given free reign, she could possibly give Kevin Smith a run for his money. Luckily though, I know she'll be a wonderful and caring mom. Just one that I know will secretly (or maybe not so secretly) snicker at the inadvertent double entendres and jr. high antics of our child as it grows up.

God, I love that woman.


  1. You should see my children! While they have traits of their dad and I.. they are TOTALLY their own being. It is so much fun to see them grow up and become a little of mom and a little of dad and ALL of themselves!

  2. I swear like a sailor and don't plan on changing much. My parents didn't and I didn't swear as a kid or teenage at all. Now I just do it because I think it's funny.
    I am glad Darby is feeling a bit better. I had a stretch during my second trimester where I barely felt pregnant because I felt so good. I hope she has that too.
