Thursday, December 15, 2011

Juicy Fruit.

I've been toying with the idea of writing a blog ever since my wife got pregnant.

I wasn't quite sure what my reasoning would be, or what direction it would take. I'm still not sure, except for the fact that I want to document everything in the best way I know how. By writing about it from my skewed perspective as an expectant father.

This week we started the second trimester. My wife has had a pretty trying first trimester. They put her on anti-nausea meds pretty early, and while they took the edge off, she still had a pretty hard time with it. Lately though, she's started to have better days, and still some really rough ones. Overall though, I feel like she's doing a lot better, even on the days she says aren't that great, they still seem like a 1000 times better than the bad ones from a month or two ago.

Which leads me to last night. After I got home from work and class, she proceeds to assail me with her newest craving. As she really hasn't been able to eat much, any craving is good in my book! Her newest craving you ask? Juicy Fruit. Not the gum. She wants fruit that is excessively juicy. Specifically watermelon. She nearly forced me out of the house in the middle of a storm to go to a grocery store that she felt would have the best watermelon, which I would have to drive past 4 other grocery stores to reach. Luckily that passed, and she then moved on and insisted that we order a pineapple directly from Hawaii as it would arrive at our house (in central MN) fresher than the ones that are available at the grocery store. While I don't doubt this fact, her sincerity in arguing the point was amusing, heartbreaking, and scary all at once. While my wife is generally a good natured person, she can get a 'tude, and I started to see the scary, dangerous side to being an expectant father. I saw the look in her eyes last night, and I learned a valuable lesson. Do NOT get in between my pregnant wife and her craving. I'll be stopping on the way home to pick up the juiciest watermelon and pineapple I can find.

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