Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hyper Enough

As we get nearer to Christmas, I want to thank those of you that have been reading, especially those that have provided advise, comfort, or just an ear to my wife to help get through this. I don't think either of us expected what she's been going through. We both have friends and family that have gone through pregnancy, but this level of morning sickness, and discomfort is just something people don't talk about. For those that have been around and supportive, I owe you.

That being said, the last few days have been good, and (knock on wood) we're hoping that the next few are also, and that it continues. Over the past two days, we've hit a couple milestones.

Tuesday evening, my wife out of nowhere came down with a case of hyperactivity. She could not stop talking, moving around, etc. She felt it too, it was pretty sudden, and we were amazed at how it came out of nowhere. It lasted until bedtime, and she took her half a Unisom, and then she still didn't get as loopy as normal. At least, not right away. Honestly, that was a great feeling for me. I was happy to see her with a little bit of energy back, even if it was way too much all at once. Her energy level continued into last night also, although I don't think it was as dramatic as it was the night before. But the past few days have been great. Let's hope there are more of these ahead.

The other great milestone we hit was last night. You see, last night was the first time in at least 2 months my wife was able to eat an actual meal. I made rosemary chicken with basmati rice and steamed broccoli. And she was able to eat it, and not be repulsed by the chicken, or the smells. She was also very excited about this. I'm pretty sure she never wants to look at tiny twist pretzels, Arby's Classic Roast Beef, or plain toast again. On the selfish side, this is good for me too. This means I can cook again, and that we'll have real meals more than not. I can count on one hand the number of dinners I've been able to cook since she's been pregnant. We're not going to push it or anything, but I look forward to making my famous spaghetti sauce. I think that red sauces are still too acidic for her though. One of the worst parts I think she has now is the indigestion/heartburn. But we were discussing pizza last night, so that's hopeful.

I'm really hoping that for my wife's sake, this continues all the way past Christmas, as Christmas really is her favorite time of year. This year it has been really hard for her to get into the spirit, and we weren't able to plan our yearly Christmas party, which our buddy Jason was disappointed about. We had originally planned to use that party as a Christmas/Housewarming party, since many people haven't made the trip down to see the house. But the bright side is, next year, we'll have a little one to celebrate their first Christmas with. And that will more than make up for it.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't happen right away, but she will have the most energy of her life come second trimester. We feel awful that we haven't been able to come out or visits. Our one day off has been bogged down with our shopping/house keeping/Oliver time. He alone is nonstop. It's been way too long since we've seen you last and we have a ton of stuff to give you guys. Like a baby Bjorn :). Let's make a point to get together in the next week. We wish you the best holiday season. Next year will be even better! The little ones make a big difference in the holidays. Right now you and Darby are also going through a type of nesting, where yll want to be home a lot. It was hard for us to leave to visit my mom in spicer.
