Friday, January 20, 2012

It's been a busy week!

I feel sort of bad for not writing in a week.  Things have been super busy.  I tend not to write on the weekends, as it's one of the few times I get to spend with my wife.  If we're lucky, she might be feeling well, and we get to run errands, or if she's not, I get to run the errands. The rest of this week for me was spent in training during the day, or class at night, with the exception of Wednesday night, which I did get to spend with my wife, even though when I went upstairs to change out of work clothes, I ended up falling asleep on the bed for about an hour.  I hate to mention it, because I know how tired my wife is all the time, but work and school wears me out. My days when I have class are 14-15 hours door to door.  It gets old.

Anyway, we got the date for the next ultrasound.  It should be the appointment that we find out the baby's sex.  Pretty exciting!  As I've stated before, and to anyone that will listen though, I really don't care if it's a boy or a girl. I just want it to be healthy.  And I'm not just saying that.  Life will hand us what it wants, so there's no use in getting worked up or disappointed about something that you really can't control. 

Amazingly I don't really have that much to say about the past week.  Things are moving along and progressing. I just wish my poor wife could feel better more of the time.  I know she misses interaction with people besides me.  I've been able to sneak out once or twice to hang with friends, and we've had a couple friends come visit us, but for the most part, that's few and far between. We had one time we were able to meet our friends for coffee and pastries, but so far just once.  Hopefully that will change soon.  I have a feeling though, as sad as it is, we won't see our childless friends nearly as much through the rest of the pregnancy and once the baby is born.  It seems to be the way things go.  Of course, maybe this means we'll become better friends with the people we know that have kids.  Who knows though?  Time will tell.

Everyone have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Son, Sounds like you are crazy busy. Regarding your comment about friends with no kids, something my Mom always emphasized to me, and as I grew up I always found it to be true, is the fact that if you want to 'make' time for something you will. And if you don't want to 'make' time for something you won't. Don't let relationships suffer because you don't 'make' time for them. ~Dad
