Friday, February 3, 2012

Boy or Girl?

So, we're getting awfully close to our next ultrasound where we hopefully find out if we're having a boy or a girl.   As I've previously stated, I really don't have a preference, just as long as it is healthy.  However, finding out what we're having will be a good thing for planning accordingly for what we need, what we want, how we want to decorate, etc.

First, we can pick a name. Without giving things away, we know there are a few girls names that we like, and that we basically have one that we really like. My wife is starting to second guess it, as she found out it's been a more popular name recently.  We'll see how that goes.  On the otherhand, I really hate most boy's names that come up, usually for one of two reasons.  The first being that I know someone with the name that she suggests, and that person wasn't nice to me or my friends, or was just an idiot all around.  The second reason being that the names I don't know someone with that namesake all sound like rich frat boy dude names that 15 years ago would have worn a white hat and wanted to kick my ass for having my hair dyed.   We've slowly been making headway on that front though.  Maybe I'll get there. I don't know. 

Second, we can really hone in on colors for the nursery (of which, by calling it a nursery, I was chastised by a friend.  Even though the definition fits, he still insists it should just be called a bedroom, and that calling it a nursery makes me some sort douche. So, NURSERY).  We know the base color, and the furniture is on order, so it's really just the accents and the bedding.  I found some awesome sheets and bedding if it's a boy, and if it's a girl, there are a lot of choices also.  I've contemplated adding chair rail and molding the NURSERY, but we'll see if I get that ambitious and/or want to spend the extra money for something aesthetic that the baby could care less about. 

We've also decided that once we know the sex, we'd finally go register for baby stuff.  People have been giving us a little grief already, but we're only halfway there!  There is plenty of time people!  I have been thinking about starting to stockpile diapers though.  The unfortunate thing is that Costco doesn't seem to carry any of the organic or natural diapers in bulk. Natural wipes though, so I guess that's a start.  My sister has brought up the fact many times we should start buying a pack once a week when we make a Target run. Not a bad idea at all. 

As a final thought, I'm thinking of trying to convince my wife to just let us announce the sex of the baby on this blog next week.  Yes, it's a push at self promotion and sort of self serving, but I really envisioned this blog as being more of a focal point for our baby story, just told from my point of view.  But obviously, since I link this from my personal facebook page, many comments and such end up there. I'd really like to get more dialog going on this page, and I think this may be the way to do it. At least for a day or so.

What do you think?  Leave your comments here? 

Also, I'd like to know what you all think about the sex of the baby. Boy or girl? 


  1. I don't recall if you have written about this, but have you guys considered cloth diapering at all? The impact to the environment is substantially lower, even if you take the washing of the diapers into consideration. Just a thought. I plan on doing that with my next one. :)

    And yes, you should announce the gender on the blog! Baby will love reading about it later on!! :)

    1. I would definitely consider cloth diapers. I'm not so sure my wife is sold on the idea though. I went through it with my youngest sister, and I didn't think it was all that different from her older sister in terms of work, smell, washing, etc. Seems worth it to me personally.

  2. You surprised me a bit on the bedding - I was expecting Star Wars for a boy :) You probably should announce the gender here for baby to read in the future. I second the motion on the cloth diapers - it is your baby's planet not yours. The little bit of extra work is easily a labor of love and your child will appreciate the effort in the future. Love, Dad

    1. Star Wars bedding would be for either sex, as some people below have denoted the gender role issue. I did sort of fall into with the plane sheets, but not just because it was blue, I could care less about the color, but it was more for how much I personally love planes.

  3. I never put much weight on sex/gender. Due to my friend group, I see that it doesn't always match biologically. Also, I never really wanted to buy into the stereotypes that Blue is for Boys and Pink is for Girls. I know many people do, but I just feel like it's a negative message from birth. Socially, if you dress a boy in pink in this society, they will either assume he is a girl or that you are doing something terrible to your child. I think that is ridiculous. I like to be more gender neutral.

    I am just excited to be an Aunt. I could care less if it was a boy or girl. I am excited for you Niece/Nephew!

    1. See my response to Dad's comment above. I never meant it as blue for boys, pink for girls. I just know how much I liked planes, and still do, and was pushing that on my child. I did fall into the pre-defined social norms for gender roles a little, but not because it was blue. Hell, it could have been any color and I would have pushed it on my child, because of my own interest in planes. That's a good point though, they should have something more gender neutral, because if I have a girl, I plan on pushing my interests on her all the same, just like I did on you. HAHA!

    2. True. You did.

      I just feel that when you let your child develop into who they are suppose to be, it is a more healthy environment. Not saying your child will turn out to be transgender, but I would encourage you to check out this story:

      I am Jazz

      It really had me thinking about Gender Stereotypes and Gender Rules. The suicide rate among young children, especially LGBT children, continues to skyrocket. Now I am not saying that my future Niece or Nephew will be that, but I would hope that the world would let them be who they want to be not some cut out role.

      I know you and Darby will be great supportive parents!!

  4. I just tried to "Like" Sheep's comment. I like it!
    I agree with being more neutral in the beginning. I have some friends with young children and I bet you'll be surprised how soon he/she will be able to indicate preferences about what they like. Start neutral and then bring them shopping and have them pick what they want! I'll be down with that when I have my own kid except for commercial clothes--my kid is not brought to you by Dora the Explorer, even if they like watching that show on tv. Sorry kid. Watch it, don't wear it.
    I think names are important. I'll have a lot of names on the NOT AN OPTION list due to ex boyfriends/ex girlfriends and ex/current client names. I love some of the names of children I've worked with, but in my mind they will be forever linked with autism, so those names are not an option for me. I think it's important to feel a kinship with your kid's name, so if one of you has a veto, well a veto is a veto. Y'know?
    Not that I know anything about being a parent.
    Also, I need some caffeine.
    Announce the gender here! Reward us for reading.
    Can't wait to see you guys soon!
    <3 Sarah

    1. Sarah, my sister does have a good point, you're correct! My real excitement for those sheets is that a) they're organic cotton, and b)they involved an interest of mine also. although, as stated, the blue probably was the subconscious indicator for me that they were male only.

      We can't wait to see you either!

    2. Sarah - with a last name like Falcon we have little other choice than naming our squirt Millennium. Not really an opportunity we can let go by.

    3. Steve has the best idea ever.

  5. Definitely publish gender here!! It will up your readership if nothing else.. :)

    Love the planes and clouds. You had Winnie the Pooh sheets and bumper, you also got some hand-me-downs from my friend Sherri as her daughter outgrew sleepers, so you were pretty gender neutral.

    Buying you a cabbage patch doll when you were little prepared you for being a father someday, and did not corrupt you, only endeared you to all my female college friends at the time.

    1. Don't forget, you gave me your old Barbies too. I played with those just as much as other toys when I was little. Hell, I remember you buying new clothes for me to dress them up with, specifically some sort of shiny sequinned dress.

  6. I'm all for gender-neutral decorating and then you can let the child pick what they want/like when they are old enough to do so. When they were old enough, I would pick out four or five clothing items and then let Noah and Darby pick two they liked. Noah always picked anything red. And Darby played with Noah's trucks an cars more than dolls.
    As for names, just keep in mind that their name will be with them for the rest of their life unless they legally change it. Joel and I went for something a little different so that there wouldn't be several kids in the same room, workplace, etc. with the same name. The one thing that bothers me is when parents pick a name and then decide to spell it differently so it will be "diffent". Then the child has to spell it for the rest of their life.

  7. My first thought after reading your post and everyones postings is to decorate your child's room with the 100 Acre Woods. You could have the sky with clouds and a tree with flowers and grass on one wall. That should last them until they are about 8-12 years old. Plus it would have a soothing effect on the child while playing or sleeping in their room. Second ... cloth diapers would be great but just have organic diapers availabe for traveling and such. Third ... I'm a big believer in that your child's name should mean something ... example ... my daughter's first and last name mean "Gift from God" and "Thankfulness to the Lord." It could help you narrow down your choices. Lastly ... I believe rather you decide to share the sex or not that your child will know and feel the love of his father, family and friends from the blogs and postings but I agree with Sherry. If you share the sex ... a. you would get more readers ... b. The adult child reading this will get a more sense of self with gender reference and c. you can share more of your hopes and dreams.

    1. I think that would be the ideal situation, Cloth for home, organic/natural biodegradable for travel and out and about. I'm only one half of the decision though.

      I'm a huge fan of Winnie the Pooh, and I feel that 100 Acre wood would be great no matter what the gender, but I don't think my wife shares my love for all things AA Milne. At least not for a whole theme. I do have some Pooh lithographs that I'm framing and putting in the bedroom, but not sure the entire theme will be Pooh related.
