Monday, June 4, 2012

Guest Blogger: My wife!

I decided the other day that I wanted to guest blog on here as you have all gotten to know my husband's point of view of things, but have never gotten to hear mine! As my due date approaches I have been filled with all kinds of mixed feelings. Of course I am overwhelmed with excitement to finally meet this little being that I have been growing in my body for the past 9 months. With each new kick, jab and hiccup I begin to wonder what kind of person she will be. I can only imagine that with two crazy parents like my husband and I, she will surely have a good sense of humor. I know it will be a little while, but I can't wait to see her smile and hear her laugh at all the small things in life that you and I might take for granted now. That is probably one of the things I am looking forward to the most; seeing her experience things for the first time. The first time she goes to the zoo and sees a bear, the first time her little feet touch the grass or the first time she gets to run through a sprinkler on a hot summer day. To me there is nothing more beautiful that seeing the pure, unspoiled innocence of a child and remembering what it was like to not have a care in the world.

But of course there is the anxiety of this being our first baby. As some of you know, this has not been the easiest pregnancy for me. Being sick day and night from weeks 6-17 there was a time when I thought I would never feel like a normal human being again. But as quickly as the nausea came, it suddenly disappeared overnight and I was finally able to enjoy the fact that I was pregnant. Since then there have been many ups and downs so I can't help but be a little nervous about her actual arrival. My husband and I have prepared as best as we can by reading books, taking classes and of course getting all kinds of advice from friends and family. But can you really ever be prepared to bring a child in to this world? Probably not. I mean, I know labor is going to be painful...but what kind of pain? I would like to try to go as natural as possible, but will I be able to handle it? How will I deal with so much sleep deprivation? What kind of mother will I be? All of these questions swirl around in my mind as her due date gets closer and closer.

The thing I do know for certain is that my husband and I are going to love and support this little girl with every ounce of our being. She hasn't even made her debut in the world and I find myself already extremely protective of her. I know that I have the best possible role model as a mother that I could ever have. Her strength throughout the years has never ceased to amaze me and she will be there to guide me in the right direction.  And I know that my husband is going to be the most unbelievable father. I know this because of how he takes care of me and how he took care of his two little sisters when he was growing up. I could not have asked for a more loving and caring partner in life. Each and every day my love grows stronger  for him and I still cannot believe that I was so lucky in life to have found him not only once, but twice.

So stay tuned! Hopefully only a few more weeks left and we will get to introduce you to our little peanut! :)