Tuesday, March 27, 2012

27 weeks down, 13 to go.

Between work, school, and taking care of the house, I’ve found it very hard to write anything regarding the baby, or my thoughts.  And from an emotional standpoint, not much has really changed on my end.  I think until the baby is born, or if there is something very exciting going on, I’m going to scale this back (or really, due to the lack of writing, bump this up.)   Since the due date falls on a Tuesday, and I read the weekly updates for “What to Expect…” on Tuesdays, I think that today is the best day to make a weekly update of my own. I’m going to try and hold myself to this, and if I start to slip, please remind me!

The biggest thing that has been going on is that my wife has popped out more, and the baby is getting much larger.  I can actually see my wife’s stomach move as the baby kicks or moves around.  It’s very fascinating.  I can also really feel the baby kick now too. Before it felt like maybe someone was ever so lightly tapping my palm. Now it’s feeling like a full on THUMP!   Sometimes, I wonder if she’s practicing drumming. I secretly hope so.  Although, I’d be afraid she’d be flaky like a drummer than too (I still love you, all my drummer friends!).   I was talking to her yesterday through my wife’s stomach and she kicked me in my face.  I guess that means she heard me.  Hopefully it doesn’t mean she didn’t want to hear me. 

Also, we’re just about down with the baby’s room.  It’s kind of sad, but I can’t wait to finish decorating it.  I think it will all seem that much more real. 

And really, that’s it.  27 weeks down, 13 to go.  Seems like such a long time now.  I feel bad for my wife, considering how much time she spent not feeling well. And now she’s getting to be uncomfortable.  But, we’re very excited to meet her when she arrives.  Even though we have a lot to do still, June can’t come soon enough.

Monday, March 12, 2012

15 weeks to go!

I realize it's been a while. Things have been kind of busy around the old homestead. We did get the crib and dresser for the baby's room about a week ago. I'm hoping (with help) to get her room painted this coming weekend. It would be great to have that project put to bed and done. Then we just need to pull the trigger on a recliner/glider for her room also. Soon, very soon hopefully.

The thing that triggered my need to write today was this. I saw a picture a friend posted of her child, and I got really excited to meet ours. The first thought was, I wanted to get another ultrasound to see what she looks like today. Then I just wanted to meet her face to face. See who she looks like, hold her in my arms. Find out what sort of disposition she has. I really just can't wait to meet her. I'm pretty excited about it. That's really all I've got today. I could go on and on about my hopes and dreams for her, and I'm sure I will, but I don't feel that now is the time. My hopes now are that she is happy and healthy when she is born. Everything else can come after that. Sorry, this one is going to be short today, but since we're getting closer and closer, I feel that there will be more to write. And once the bedroom (nursery) is finished, I'll be sure to post up some pictures of that.